Step Up Functional Testing with New UFT 14.0 Editions

By: Sean Buckley

In response to a shifting and increasingly modular marketplace, HPE has announced that it will begin selling HPE UFT in separate editions and configurations. UFT Pro (previously LeanFT) will now be a cross-platform solution to include UFT Pro for Selenium. There are separate subsets of UFT functionality available within UFT Ultimate and UFT Enterprise as well.

UFT 14.0 finally brings LeanFT into the full UFT product line, boosting its angular automated software testing capability and providing greater brand recognition and functionality. The enterprise version of UFT now includes the acclaimed testing solution Sprinter, to complete a compelling manual functional testing combination (this upgrade is made free of charge for concurrent licenses). HPE is also offering the UFT Ultimate package as the conclusive place for all your QA engineering needs. This software bundle includes Business Process Testing (BPT) and all of the functional testing components of Mobile Center in addition to the Pro and Enterprise functionality. License upgrade paths are already in place for existing users. See table below for details:

Includes the use of these products: UFT Ultimate UFT Enterprise UFT Pro (LeanFT)
UFT ✓ ✓ X
UFT Pro (LeanFT) ✓ ✓ ✓
Sprinter ✓ ✓ X
Mobile Center ✓ X X


The newly minted UFT Pro can now support multiple versions of Linux and Mac OS systems for both web and mobile testing. Experience more detailed customization options with granular controls over language, IDE, unit-test framework, machine, and operating system. The latest UFT builds also feature exclusive application models, built-in IDE project templates, a new Object Identification Center, parallel execution, and freshly finessed reporting options.

UFT Pro packages will now include a solution that works on top of Selenium. This integration allows you to consolidate testing and analysis portions of your development projects. Create tests, run them, and analyze the results all within the same test-driven UFT Pro platform.

With UFT Pro for Selenium you can now:

  • Extend the WebDriver API with a Java library complete with additional locators and utilities that keep you from having to implement object identifications later in development from scratch.
  • Utilize an IDE plugin for Eclipse and IntelliJ that gives you project templates for Selenium and an Object Identification Center. With your new OIC you can efficiently build WebDriver object identification that will validate and generate the identification codes you need for robust testing consistency.

Not least of the latest enhancements is the UFT Enterprise Test Combination Generation tool. The TCG allows you to configure and develop information with robust data analysis. By combining paths, expressions, and algorithms, you can create many data combinations, parameters, and possible values.

For more information on HPE UFT, visit our product page. If you have any questions, or would like to capitalize on existing upgrade paths for your current UFT licenses, be sure to contact us.


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