5 Ways Staff Augmentation Helps IT Departments

By: Matt Angerer

Staff augmentation is a temporary expansion of staff based on the skills required to support or complete a project. Staff augmentation doesn’t use the traditional standards of hiring for a specific purpose; rather, it determines the skills needed for a project, and hires temporary employees to provide those skills.

Decrease Overhead

Staff augmentation is great for decreasing the overhead costs that would generally increase with traditional hiring methods. For example, by hiring someone for a specific skill, you won’t need to invest in internal training and skill development. You’ll also avoid the expenses that come with hiring new employees and expanding health insurance and benefits programs. Your business is able to focus investment resources on projects themselves, rather than expanded employee benefits.

Help with Staffing Costs

Using staff augmentation, you’ll be able to keep highly skilled workers beyond the normal working hours of other full-time employees, allowing you to keep your project rolling without having to pay excessive overtime wages. Staff augmentation also provides skilled workers during times that other employees may want time off, such as around holidays or in the summer months.

Access to Specific Skills

Staff augmentation allows you to employ workers with the specific skills needed to complete projects and meet deadlines. You’re able to analyze your current teams’ skills, determine what further skills are necessary for your project, and hire accordingly. Staff augmentation allows you to meet defined deadlines without spending extra time and money on internal development and training.

Extended Flexibility

Big projects can often change quickly. Staff augmentation allows for flexibility in staffing, so if unforeseen circumstances arise and you need more (or less) workers, you are able to adjust on a whim.

Allows for Fast Growth

Staff augmentation allows for fast growth and development by providing extra temporary employees with specific resources that have no impact on the business when they are no longer necessary. Businesses that use staff augmentation services are able to grow quickly to meet the needs of investors. Project managers also enjoy all the resources they need to streamline their projects and keep them moving.

For more information on how ResultsPositive can help you staff up for your next demanding IT engagement, read about our specializations here.

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