DevOps Baby Steps- A Relentless Assault on Project Risk

By: Matt Angerer

Just like anything in life, it’s easy to get quickly overwhelmed if you try to take in everything at once. The same applies to embracing DevOps strategy within your organization. Yes, we know it’s a “pie in the sky” term that people like to discuss at trade shows, but we also know that terminology does not always reflect reality. Reality starts with baby steps that incrementally progress into a full picture; that same concept applies to materializing your DevOps story.

Velocity and speed of delivery are the underpinnings to any firm’s DevOps strategy. The software value feedback loops you have in place with internal stakeholders and customers are paramount to your DevOps strategy.  However, you must keep in mind that speed of delivery increases the risk of introducing critical defects into your delivery stream.  Sure, there are a lot of practitioners who can “tell the story” when it comes to DevOps, but you’ll need world-class experts who have consistently delivered on that story over the course of time.

Picking a Place to Start

Devops processAnd that’s the simple point about taking baby steps on your relentless assault of project risk. If you took one initial look at the diagram above, you might be overwhelmed with the sheer number of boxes, products, and terminology. What we encourage your organization to do is very simple: take baby steps. Start by looking at your IT delivery stream and how you’re using HPE Quality Center or ALM today. Do you have Hybrid Agile teams today who need a more Agile-centric tool to manage their backlog and sprints? Perhaps you do, but you don’t want to trade that in for the power and familiarity of Quality Center and ALM. We get it. That’s why we put together today’s QA TechTalk – Series 4 about how Agile Manager and ALM can integrate seamlessly to provide your organization with hybrid agile management power.

It’s just a small sliver of the DevOps pie, but if you need to start somewhere – why not start by looking at your sprint planning, development, testing, and defect management functions? This TechTalk provides you some insight into how these two leading-edge tools (Agile Manager and ALM) can work harmoniously to drive value across your organization and ultimately help you build high quality software. We demonstrate how to download the INT BRIDGE, deploy it to a Virtual Server, configure it, and setup your first synchronization point.

Not everything requires a project charter and steering committee to approve! If you’re willing to move at the speed of light in building leading-edge software, you can take the next step by watching this video and signing up for a free trial of HPE Agile Manager. If you like what you see, give us a call and let’s setup a virtual “lunch and learn” session with one of our Certified Scrum Masters. No commitments, no obligations – just common sense advice to making sense of the DevOps story.

QA Tech Talk Series 4: ALM and Agile Manager


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