Customize IT Education for End-User Success

By: Matt Angerer

According to recent research from HP, 87% of survey respondents indicated that customization of IT software education is critical for the next 2 years. To be truly effective, IT education needs to appeal to a variety of different “learning types”, such as:

  • The Visual Learner: You’ve known these types in school and your professional career. They are the people who can show up to class and naturally pick up on things, just by watching the instructor demonstrate.
  • The Auditory Learner: You can pick these folks out of a crowd very easily. They typically stop the presentation or instructor if they don’t understand a specific word- “Can you repeat what you just said?”
  • The Reading-Writing Learner: Then there are the people who simply need to work and learn at their own pace. They don’t beat to anyone else’s drum and work/learn at their own steady rate.
  • The Tactile Learner: Most of us in the IT field like to “learn by doing” — otherwise known as the “The Tactile Learner”.

At ResultsPositive, we believe that IT software education should be tailored to your specific needs with a blended approach to each learning type. That is why we work closely with HP to provide continuous on-going training on products such as HP ALM, Quality Center, and Unified Functional Testing.

one size doesnt fit

Nothing beats a live instructor, but we also understand that statistics show respondents typically absorb no more than 30% of the material presented in class. That’s 70% of instructor time and knowledge lost. We help you fill that gap by providing actionable job aides, how-to videos (on our YouTube channel), and focused consulting on additional educational tools like ART. All the while, we continuously work with you to respond to changing end-user needs with proactive recommendations that deliver results.

With a staff of certified experts ready at a whim to help your organization improve value realization, we go to great lengths to ensure your end users are boarded quickly and stakeholder satisfaction is high. Contact us today at for a 1 hour free consultation about your IT educational needs.

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